Schwab Family Chiropractic Blog
Pain In Bismarck ND Is a Lagging Indicator…
Pain In Bismarck ND Is a Lagging Indicator Understanding that Pain and Function do NOT go hand in hand is critical to get the MOST out of your Chiropractic Care in Bismarck ND. Structural Shifts Of The Spine In Bismarck ND When someone exhibits a structural shift in the spine (misaligned joint in the spine)…
Why Your Cell Phone Reception in Bismarck ND Is A Lot Like How Your Body Works….
Cell Phone Reception in Bismarck ND Is A Lot Like How Your Body Works Ever been frustrated that you cannot finish or even continue a conversation because of a bad cell phone connection in Bismarck ND? I know each of us have experienced this situation a number of times. Missing parts of a conversation makes…
Hockey Puck or Doughnut In Bismarck ND: Which Is It?
Hockey Puck or Doughnut In Bismarck ND: Which Is It? Your spinal discs in Bismarck ND have been described as a jelly-filled doughnut or a hockey puck, which is it? What Are Spinal Discs In Bismarck ND As you know your discs are the spacers between your spinal bones, they are RICH in nerve supply…
Cholesterol Drug Use and Musculoskeletal Pain in Bismarck ND
Cholesterol Drug Use and Musculoskeletal Pain in Bismarck ND I came across this study and thought I would pass the information along because many people take Statin drugs to help reduce cholesterol levels in Bismarck ND. The American Journal of Medicine February 2012; Vol. 125; pp. 176-182. This study assessed 8228 subjects over 40 years…
Why Sports & Concussions Matter For Your Kids in Bismarck ND
Why Sports & Concussions Matter For Your Kids in Bismarck ND In the past 5 years the issue of head injuries and concussions has moved to the forefront of the player safety concerns. In fact, the NCAA has actually reached a settlement totaling $75 million for a group of college athletes which has new stipulations…
Adaptive injuries in Bismarck ND?
Adaptive injuries in Bismarck ND? If you have ever severely twisted your ankle, you know that the days, weeks, and months of recovery, often lead to “Adaptive Injury” in Bismarck ND. What Does Adaptive Injury Mean? Meaning that the ankle injury often leads to foot, knee, hip, or even back pain or other problems as…